Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Aristotle and the Supertones (yes, really)

It is interesting in my eyes that in spiritual things, the emphasis is on seeking. "I'm a seeker." It is apparently considered arrogant to say you have found what you're looking for.

O.C. Supertones, Away from You
I say there, friend, you got a minute?
I'd like to tell you something, you may think nothing of it
But wait, you're gonna love it.
What if I told you I have the one true philosophy?
Would you hear me out or just turn your back and laugh at me?

What are you seeking for? Aristotle's philosophy was "teleological," or goal-oriented. He thought people too had a telos.

If people were created by God, it is not unreasonable that He would have had some purpose in mind. It would be much stranger if He didn't. Seeking a telos seems pretty sensible, and finding it even better.

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