Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The consistent kitchen

The other night Jonathan noticed me flipping back and forth between the two Angelina Ballerina books we had in the house. "What are you doing?"
Me: "I LOVE this kitchen! Look at it! Look how intricate it is!"
Him: "And you're comparing the two to see if they're consistent?"
Me: pause. He caught me. "Yeeeessss..."

So today at the library I checked out a few more, and settled down for a thorough kitchen comparison. The answer is yes, Helen Craig is consistent in the portrayal of the Mouselings' kitchen. The number of beams, pipes, and other permanent items are the same, the pots and kettles on the stove are the same pots, the dishware patterns are the same, and while the items on the pantry shelf are not identical, they're arranged in the same way consistent with an actual cook who uses the staples on her shelf. For what it's worth, the best view of the full kitchen is in the original Angelina Ballerina book on the page where Angelina knocks over a plate of cheese pies.

Jonathan laughed. "I'm glad you compared them and they're consistent. I really am."

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