Saturday, May 18, 2013


Do you enjoy house tours? I find it endlessly fascinating, how other people live and what stuff they choose to have. Agatha Christie would agree. Sometimes I even get good ideas.

Right now, I'm liking how this blogger describes her house as having "zones." I realized that's what I already try to do, but hadn't expressed. Dishes live in the kitchen; books live most places except the kitchen and bathroom; toys stay in Meg's room and the living room; laundry goes in... well, my room, except when it's actually in the washer or dryer. I'm not going to forbid items from visiting other zones but they may not stay there. That includes you, dishes on the dining table that's actually in the living room.

Each room might get messy, but as Jonathan said, at least the messes don't cross-pollinate. Also, for some rooms, you can close the door when company comes.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

hehe, "at least the rooms don't cross-pollinate". I like that notion :)